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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Google's Team of Visionaries

One of the primary reasons behind Google's success is its uncanning ability to spot the visionaries.

Beginning with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the ultimate Visionaries who had the CREATIVITY & INSIGHT that makes all the difference. Extraordinary that the entire concept of search engines was part of their thesis ! Then there was the brilliance of Eric Schmidt.

Then, none other than Al Gore joined the bandwagon. This was a clever ploy, because he was conncected with funding and development of the Internet as a Vice President and Senator. (the famous "Gore Bill" of 1991)

And, now Google's got none other than Vint Cerf, one of the "Founders of the Internet" . This is the guy, who at the Department of Defense played the critical role of developing the TCP / IP protocols. That was way back, in 1976 to 1982. Days when the DARPANET gave birth to the Internet.

And now, ordinary folks like us can also contribute to the growth of Google.